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"Army without weapons" Translation into English of the article on the main page of this website.
   It can probably be said that Mikhail Moroz is a professional peace fighter. His ideas are relevant today. To arrange life in such a way that there is no place for war in it. Mikhail named his project the Army of Life. Those who do not wish to hold weapons in their hands due to their inner convictions can go to the Army of Life.
  - The war in Chechnya in 1996 threw a lot into dynamics. It was a very difficult time. The struggle for power in Moscow, inflation, the redistribution of everything and everything... Now more is known about the background of those events. Conscience and intuition made us, activists of the Nakhodka Club of International Maritime Brotherhood - a peacekeeping international-patriotic organization - act, go, move to the place of war and join other volunteers. It is difficult to describe the experience I gained in Nakhodka. Starting from the first days of the development of the still illegal Club, in 1987, during the "static" period of our activity. This is a separate topic. I will only say that we worked there as much as we could and had the means. For example, for several months we sought to ban the entry of the atomic lighter "Sevmorput" into the ports of the Far East and we achieved it. I was 27 years old then.

  The first, unrealized "Interpohod of Peace", we left Nakhodka in July 1992, to Transnistria. The idea of such a hike arose on the basis of similar actions of the "Interbrigades of Peace" - an international peacekeeping organization. They, with an international composition, came there where the population or civil activists were threatened by the arbitrariness of dictatorships or civil wars. They, like graphite rods in a nuclear reactor, extinguished the "temperature in the zone". They encouraged, forced, if you want, the warring parties to sit down at the negotiating table and agree, agree. We, the participants of the second "interpohod", Nakhodka-Chechnya, together with our colleagues from the cities of the European part of Russia, wanted to achieve the same in Chechnya.

  Then, in 1996, in the cities we passed through Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk, Neryungri, Chita and Irkutsk, meeting the understanding and concern of people, we were proud. We, in July 1996, were supported by the Irkutsk Legislative Assembly, a number of public and commercial organizations. The most "enlightened", alas, were the parents of the dead and maimed. But many orphans fought in Chechnya...

  - Mikhail, why did you stop in Irkutsk?

  - And indeed, we stopped so stopped. For over ten years. And we were supposed to, according to the schedule of the Interpohod of Peace, stay here for just over ten days. At the end of the summer of 1996, a peace agreement was signed in Khasavyurt. There was universal euphoria. Yeltsin remained in the Kremlin. Most of our volunteers scattered to their homes. There was a handful of people left who wanted to get to Chechnya and, with new volunteers who joined for this, help restore what was destroyed in the cities and hearts. But this ceased to be interesting for newspapers and became uninteresting for their readers. We were like blades of grass in a clean field, alien, rather new to us place of residence, without anything. We, literally, froze in the snow in our tents in the Siberian taiga, 50 kilometers from the city. But we still had our means of transportation, the club "six". We were helped to overhaul it, but when we were just about to leave for Krasnoyarsk in the summer of 1997, they helped, rather helped, one "driver", to "kill" it against a post.

  By that time, for several months, the project "Army of Life" (Society of Life-Affirming Actions) had been living and all our forces went into its development.

  - What is the Army of Life (LifeArmy)?

 - Its "Principled Positions" have been published by us for many years on the website www.lifearmy.narod.ru. The press then wrote that we began to experiment with a commune, life "on the ground" and activity in the city. We lived in the forest for several years, in the Peace Camp on the Ushakovka River. In 2003 it burned down. We intended to agree with the state that young people would serve alternative service in our, civilian Army. We wanted them to benefit society and themselves not only in hospitals, but also in road repair, construction, and other works. We wanted a lot of things. We did little because we were "barely breathing" economically.

- Why is the movement reviving today? Why exactly this form - Caravan of Peace in Transnistria?

- Time has taught and hardened a lot. Our activists in Irkutsk had children. On the one hand, this made us think more about families. On the other hand, it personally strengthened me even more in the belief that this is a real miracle - a son or daughter, their life. The life of our children must be protected from new wars. And they are "not far off", if we continue to live like ostriches. Otherwise, it turns out that we are again growing not our future happy and grateful descendants, but new "cannon fodder".

  Our movement is not reviving, but rather, "deconserved". This process, started on September 28 this year, is the first stage of the plan. How it will go depends on many citizens, if they can still hear the voice of reason and are not enemies to their children. In the financial part of the project, everything is very uncertain for us. That's why the Visit of Peace, Irkutsk-Transnistria, is more real.

  - Why does modern society need peace? Who will benefit from the disappearance of wars in the world?

  - The population of our planet, having entered the current technological era, needs to finally decide on this issue. Otherwise, a fatal accident will determine it for them. Everything would be, as they say, nothing, but to let your son or daughter die, even if together with everyone, is not desirable. If wars disappear in the world, everyone will win. It is difficult for today's military to transition to a new life without wars. But their children and grandchildren would find it easier. It is necessary to give the opportunity to speak openly and honestly about the falsity and danger of the favorite "hobby" of the military of all times and peoples, that, supposedly, only wars stimulate progress. Humanity with a new, non-militaristic thinking, with new technological capabilities can show such progress, and in its own, humanistic benefit, that you could not even dream of.

  Recently, a good person told me that he watched a TV program about the ancient city of Caral, 170 km. from Lima, on "Culture". It is more than five thousand years old. Judging by the excavations, there was a powerful civilization there. Scientists began to try to figure out how such a civilization could exist in the desert. As I have already said, it was previously believed that war is the engine of progress and all civilizations in general. But no signs of militarism were found in Caral. Analyzing the data obtained, scientists were surprised to conclude that Caral lived and developed without wars for a thousand years! Hence the conclusion: it is possible to build a developed civilization without wars.

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