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«  Май 2014  »
Главная » 2014 » Май » 11 » UK in 2014: Muslim gets doctor to carry out female genital mutilation on a woman in a London hospital – fully funded by the Government
UK in 2014: Muslim gets doctor to carry out female genital mutilation on a woman in a London hospital – fully funded by the Government
Posted on March 22, 2014 by Admin         
Tony Blair introduced and filled Britain with Muslims and terrorism. Blair is personally responsible for allowing millions of Muslims into Britain during his political tenure. Millions of immigrants into the UK never even had background checks. Tony Blair has become the most hated man in British politics.
For years primitive Muslim savages who have been allowed to reside in Europe have traveled as medical tourists to the UK to comply with African sharia genital mutilation on children and women so that they can never have sexual sensations. To give you an idea how truly sick British society is today, in 2014 – not 1014, thanks to Muslim mass-immigration:
These savage practices of mutilating children and women have not taken place in some secret back alleys, but have taken place in hospitals, completely to the consent of the British medical system! The Whittington hospital provides government funded NHS services – meaning the British tax payers paid to mutilate these children. All on Muslim demands to exercise their “religion” and “culture”. What culture is evil?

Only Muslim men are allowed to have sexual sensations. And only Muslim men can be free to rape and utilize their urges on anything and anyone as they please, like a derange rabid dog.

Soon a sight in British hospitals imported by former Labour PM Tony Blair: small toddlers laid out in a row after their genitals are removed with a razor while no anesthetics are used. After the procedure heals up they barely have a hole left for urine to pass through. Many end with life threatening infections. An adult Muslim male can then marry these “pure” mutilated children and rape them, tearing their small passages open by force. This is one of the many Muslim ‘cultural practices’ that are being protected by the extreme left and socialists, justified under the right to “cultural sensitivity”. Do not dare to object to the practices of Muslim tribal culture or you are branded a “far right fascist”.

Doctor will be tried in first prosecution under Britain’s ban on female genital mutilation

Dr. Dhanoun Dharmasena is accused of sewing shut woman’s private parts. Operation occurred at London hospital.

Friday, March 21, 2014, 3:59 PM

FILE PHOTO Steve Parsons/PA Wire/Press Association Images A doctor from London’s Whittington Hospital will be the first person tried under Britain’s Female Genital Mutilation Act, authorities announced Friday.

LONDON – A doctor will be tried for carrying out female genital mutilation on a patient after she had given birth at a London hospital in Britain’s first such prosecution, it was announced on Friday.

Dr. Dhanoun Dharmasena is accused of carrying out the procedure by restitching the vaginal opening of a woman.

The procedure – known as re-infibulation – was allegedly performed after she gave birth at the Whittington Hospital in November 2012.

[Stitched together: Barely even a hole to urinate through. Deliberate barbaric Muslim mutilations like this are paid by the British government for cultural and religious "rights". Is this truly culture - or is it pure evil? And exactly how much freedom should evil have?]

“Having carefully considered all the available evidence, I have determined there is sufficient evidence and it would be in the public interest to prosecute Dr. Dhanoun Dharmasena,” said (2003),” Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders.

A second man, Hasan Mohamed, is charged with encouraging an offense of FGM, contrary to the Serious Crime Act, and of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring Dharmasena to commit the offenxe.

Dharmasena and Mohamed will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on April 15.

The Crown Prosecution Service also announced it had decided not to proceed with four other cases it had been examining because of insufficient evidence. Prosecutors are still considering four further cases of alleged FGM and are in discussions with police on two other investigations.

Although FGM was made a criminal offence in Britain in 1985, there has never been a prosecution. The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment.
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