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Главная » 2013 » Июнь » 1 » In 1996, a first Earth Charter All-Russian conference was held to generate broad support and a public discussion
In 1996, a first Earth Charter All-Russian conference was held to generate broad support and a public discussion

Russian Federation
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In 1996, a first Earth Charter All-Russian conference was held to generate broad support and a public discussion on the first draft of the Earth Charter text. This event was chaired by Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev and was covered by all major mass media of the Russian Federation, More than 300 participants from all stakeholders of the Russian society, from NGOs, business, academia, youth, different religious groups, to the Ministry of Defense took part in lively discussions regarding the values and principles that should be part of the Earth Charter. This conference gave start to the Earth Charter dissemination in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Since then the first Earth Charter focal point in Russia, The Foundation for Development and Survival of Humankind and its Executive Director Rustem Khairov has organized numerous activities and initiatives for promoting the Earth Charter in the country.In 1997 the Earth Charter web site was launched in Russian by the Foundation.
In 2007 a new partnership was initiated between the Center for Russian Environmental Policy and Culture and Earth Charter International. Since then this Center has taken a leadership role in promoting the Earth Charter in Russia. For instance they have brought the Earth Charter to the agenda of several All-Russian Conferences focused on the priorities of environmental policy and civil society, held in Moscow in 2007 and in Barnaul (Altai) in 2008. The conferences were organized under the leadership of Dr. Vladimir Zakharov, President of the Center, who is also the Chairman of the Environmental Commission of the Russian Public Chamber.

The Earth Carter was also endorsed by the Institute for ‘Problems of Sustainable Development’ at the Russian State University for Chemical Technology and the Environmental Commission of the Russian Public Chamber.
For more information see the Earth Charter website in Russian at www.earthcharter.ru
Tatarstan (a constituent Republic of the Russian Federation)

In 2001 following the initiative of the president of Tatarstan, the parliament of Tatarstan adopted a resolution endorsing the Earth Charter. As such Tatarstan’s government, a multi-ethnic semi-autonomous Republic, adopted the Charter and uses the document in a variety of ways. The official ceremony, held in April 2001, was followed by the international conference with participation of the Earth Charter Commissioners: Kamla Chowdry, Mirian Vilela (Executive Director of the Earth Charter International Secretariat), Earth Charter activists from Armenia, Kazakhstan and Belorussia as well as focal points from various countries and regions of the world.

In 2005 a beautifully illustrated coffee-table book Earth Charter in Tatarstan was published. The first edition was presented to the delegates in Amsterdam at the "Earth Charter +5" conference in November 2005.
In 2007 an Earth Charter meeting took place in Tatarstan, where the President, the Prime Minister, and many top officials and ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the Earth Charter. The Earth Charter Guidebook for Teachers was translated from English into Russian and Tatar and was published by the Ministry of Education of Tatarstan. It is widely used in the secondary schools of the Republic.

The Tatarstan Republic Academy of Sciences has worked out an innovative historical-architectural program promoting the Charter: Herein, parks, monuments, natural reserves and even highways will bear the name of the Earth Charter to raise the awareness of the wider public. In 2008: The Volga Regional Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development was inaugurated at the Tatar State University for Liberal Arts in Kazan.

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